Tag Archives: election

Dear New England

Dear New England,

Can I just say how lovely it is to come home from work and an annoying class to view this image:


I know I shouldn’t be so giddy about it, but I thought that Maine and New Hampshire might sway the other way. I love us. Hopefully, we’ll see a lot more blue before the night is over.


Politics in music

I was raised on a healthy diet of Car Talk, Sesame Street, and folk music as a child and its nice to see that some of my (and my Dad’s) favorite performers are writing songs about what is going on right now. Tom Paxton has a great page here of free downloads including an update to LBJ Told the Nation. Christine Lavin has had a few really good songs, including “We Are the True Americans” and “Dear Dan”, both of which I love.

Should be interesting to see what new political songs we come up with after tomorrow. Almost every person I talked to at work today had either voted or was going home tonight and will vote tomorrow. I met a lovely couple from Montana who told me how their local political landscape is changing to more purple/blue than red and two ladies from Philly who were looking forward to being in NH for the election tomorrow. It is going to be an interesting day.