Monthly Archives: February 2009

Happy Birthday Charlie and Abe

Articles like this:

In the 150 years since he published his groundbreaking On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, and the 200 years since the date of his birth celebrated this week, Charles Darwin has failed to convince the majority of Americans of the validity of his theories; an August 2006 survey by the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion & Public Life and the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, found that 63% of Americans say they believe that humans and other animals have either always existed in their present form or have evolved over time under the guidance of a supreme being while only 26% say that life evolved solely through processes such as natural selection. A similar Pew Research Center poll, released in August 2005, found that 64% of Americans support teaching creationism alongside evolution in the classroom.

Make me sad.

Busy Bee

School started last week…only 14 more meetings till the end of the semester! So far, I have been extremely busy. I’m actually going to do all the reading for both classes this semester (last semester I didn’t, they didn’t seem to care) and I already have a paper due on Friday by 5 PM.

Add to that, my internship is already in its second week. Its been interesting. Sarah Jessica Parker was at there last week, Ken Burns was there the next day, the 54th Regiment was there today…not sure if anything else is going on but they have been busy!

And, I’m probably going to add more hours at work since a co-worker got a new job. Tours start again soon and I have to remember it so that I don’t feel like a total jackass on my first one.  Maybe just a little bit of a jackass. They also want to use some of my photography for the website, partly because they don’t have to pay me for the photos. But it would look good on my resume, so I’ll probably do it.

Also!!! Seek the Peak registration opened up! I have to work on my sponsorship letters!