Tag Archives: busy


And not in the good way. I have been flat out running for the last few weeks. Not only did we have a housewarming party, we participated in a snow covered charity walk that didn’t go as well as we wanted it to. Because of the weather, half the members of our team were not able to walk…which really annoyed my Dad as it was in his honor that we were walking. However, if he had gotten sicker at the event, I would never forgive myself.

I have also had a presentation, 8 page paper (which turned out to be 7), 3-5 page paper (which is at 4 right now), 1 page response paper, lit review, children’s program, registering for my last semester of school and a few other things hanging over my head. People at work have been getting hurt (falling off of a stage, fake appendicitis, staph infection) and others have had family members die.

And I haven’t been able to spend any time on my costume 😦 I ran into Salvation Army today to pick up a “bomber jacket”, really just a red faux-leather jacket (for 6.99) and a Halloween store for a pilots hat and goggles and gun. I have my brown shoes, zip pants, and I might try to make a scarf out of an old t-shirt tomorrow quickly…not sure. I’m slightly annoyed that I’ve tossed out certain things and can’t find other things but whatever.

Paper is done, computer will be plugged in for school tomorrow, costume is mostly together. I didn’t get to make my Guinness cupcakes, but that is fine. I’ll make them on Saturday to eat with our pot roast.

Ghost Town

So, I haven’t been updating here at all lately. This is because of a few things…
* I am taking 2 classes at school, one which meets twice a week for 3 hours and the other meets from 9 till 4. Takes an hour to get there, an hour to get back. Huge time suck.
* I am in the process of trying to buy a home. This is incredibly stressful as part of the basement has a huge asbestos covered oil heater. Arg! And the deck is pulling off of the house.
* Working 3 days a week and getting projects piled on top of me. This is a good thing, but means a lot of work…
* Just plain depression.

So, I will try to be better…I saw an awesome video that anyone interested in preservation should take a gander at and a bunch of cool pictures to come of some archaeology. For now, I shall leave you a picture from somewhere in Boston…

I thought that left when I was 4?
I thought that left when I was 4?

Busy Bee

School started last week…only 14 more meetings till the end of the semester! So far, I have been extremely busy. I’m actually going to do all the reading for both classes this semester (last semester I didn’t, they didn’t seem to care) and I already have a paper due on Friday by 5 PM.

Add to that, my internship is already in its second week. Its been interesting. Sarah Jessica Parker was at there last week, Ken Burns was there the next day, the 54th Regiment was there today…not sure if anything else is going on but they have been busy!

And, I’m probably going to add more hours at work since a co-worker got a new job. Tours start again soon and I have to remember it so that I don’t feel like a total jackass on my first one.  Maybe just a little bit of a jackass. They also want to use some of my photography for the website, partly because they don’t have to pay me for the photos. But it would look good on my resume, so I’ll probably do it.

Also!!! Seek the Peak registration opened up! I have to work on my sponsorship letters!