Category Archives: Uncategorized

Website Angst


Recently, my web host Arvixe changed a few things in their set up. I thought I did everything correctly, but apparently not since our website is dead on arrival. ends up downloading instead of loading and no one at the company is able to help. They have no email support and their “live chat” is anything but. Doesn’t lead me anywhere. Their twitter account for “support” tells me they can’t do anything for me and that it is my computer’s fault for not being able to submit a ticket properly.

I really hate Arvixe. Anyone have any ideas on better places to park my domain?

In like a lion, out like a norovirus?

Ugh, so this is the 2nd time in my life that I’ve had norwalk on New Year’s Eve. The first time was on a cruise ship in the Caribbean, I made it past midnight and then fainted in the bathroom of my cabin and didn’t eat for 2 whole days. I think I lost like, 10 pounds. Not cool.

Same kind of thing happened this year, too. Not only to me, but to 13 other people at a party I was at and other people across the country that I’m friends with.  I shall be washing my hands with vigor for the next 3 months, most definitely.

Right now, there is a ton of snow coming down…its light and glittery. I hope that means shoveling will be easy tomorrow since we might get up to 16 inches of it.

Already read and finished my first book of 2014: “Apologies to My Censor” which I thought was going to be a travel type book, but was more memoir with travel in it. Not bad. A book on Charles Sumner is waiting to be finished and one on Benjamin Church and another on the French and Indian War are waiting to be started. I’m such a geek.


Here is the last official photo of 2013. I say last official because I took some pathetic self portraits while sick and those aren’t going anywhere



“Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each New Year find you a better man.” — Benjamin Franklin

Ben always can be counted on for some sage advice about life and the welcoming of a New Year is no different.  This year is my first as an officially married woman and I’m happy that I will not be planning a wedding this year. However, we have the fun of planning our honeymoon, huzzah!


Many resolutions will be attempted this new year…mostly things that I should have done years ago, but have put off for a variety of reasons.

  1. Open up at least 1 IRA
  2. Visit as many National Park sites in New England as I can
  3. Hike at least 3 times
  4. See a MOOSE!
  5. Get happier at work somehow

There are others, but these are the top 5 for next year beyond cleaning up the basement. Purging is the name of the game!


  1. here are others


I seem to be down on my luck lately…especially when it comes to catching the bus. The bus is the bane of my commuting existence. I often see the one I want driving away while I walk out of the house or work or whatever.

Today’s annoyance was a bus driver who stared at me while he made the turn past the bus stop I was trying to get to. Grr…

I wonder if there is a patron saint of people catching buses.

Light one little candle…

The other day, we learned that one of our co-workers had just lost his wife to cancer.  She had been diagnosed with it and was given the all clear…and then it came back with a vengeance.


In her obituary, it said to send donations to the local Dana-Farber unit.  I organized a group effort of our colleagues and just finished buying a bunch of books for children who are either going through treatments or the relative of one.  When my father was going through chemo, my nephews and niece were given a backpack full of toys, books, and other things to help them figure out what was going on and to distract them. Totally awesome. 

Thinking about donating to a group this winter? Check out their list here

Can it be a Bucket List if there is only one thing on it?

I love lists…but I have problems making a bucket list or a 101 things I’ll do next year or whatever. I always get distracted from completing the list. Maybe the 1st thing on it should be “Finish the list.”

Either way, I came up with something that I want to learn…the moon was gorgeous last night on my 60 degree (what? crazy) walk home from work. I stopped a few times to take photos and they all came out crappy. Kinda like this one:

ImageWhen really, I want to take photos more like this one:

ImageI have a Canon TI3 Rebel, a telescope, and the desire…now I just need to sign up for a class since I think this is something that needs some hands-on instruction since I don’t know how to use said telescope and am still new to the camera after a year. Haven’t had a lot of time to take it out for a spin…and Santa might just have to bring a new lens 🙂


Photos taken from MorgueFile

Wedding Advice…

Yeah yeah, everyone has advice for you…they still will even 2 months after your wedding. It is rather annoying, but some of it is helpful…

Here are a few simple things that I did before and after my wedding that I think were reasonable and smart

  • Get your documents in order before the wedding
    • This for us was a pre-nup (which included selling the house upon separation), health care proxy, and a will.  These documents will be incredibly helpful if any of these bad things happen since they were created in a space that we were happy with each other and had clear minds.
  • Do not register for crap just because your mom says
    • My mother pushed me to add stuff to my registries because “people want to buy you stuff.” Yeah, they do…but most people gave us money and we had to return 4 sets of pint glasses to the store because they didn’t get knocked off the list.  I was told it was tacky, but seriously think about registering for your honeymoon or for experiences more.
  • Put someone in your wedding party who is there solely because you love them, not because you are obligated (family, they had you in their wedding, etc) to put in there.
    • My sisters both pissed me off that day. One of my bridesmaids, though, knew that I was pissed off and was able to make me laugh because she is my best friend and that is what they do.
  • Saving for something? Put all that money you get into a separate account
    • We have ours in a town 30 miles away so we actually have to get up and drive to go get it. You will get a lot of money…don’t blow it on the first thing that pops into your head.
  • Not changing your name? Tell your DJ every chance you get
    • I swear we told the DJ that I wasn’t changing my name. It is a slant rhyme and I wanted to keep mine rather than going through the hassle of changing everything and losing a bit of myself. HOWEVER, the DJ kept introducing us as Mr. and Mrs…there are a lot of amusing photos of us laughing hysterically about that.
  • Most importantly, breathe!
    • There were moments when I cried or got into a fight with anyone and everyone, but it was worth it. Just keep breathing.



Weddings are a very involved thing…

So, about 2 months ago, I got married to my boyfriend of almost 15 years (our dating anniversary is now 5 days after our wedding date)…and we (stupidly) thought that it would be easier because we have been together for so long and didn’t want a huge event.

HOWEVER, other people had different ideas.

It is hard to stand firm in your decisions when both mothers are telling you that things are wrong or you are being a jerk…but it can be worth it.

We had an awesome Justice of the Peace, a great photographer, and a beautiful venue on a warm day complete with a rainbow during the ceremony.Image

Some things did go poorly, but the good outweighed the bad. I have learned how to write good nastygrams, though 🙂