Monthly Archives: January 2014

In like a lion, out like a norovirus?

Ugh, so this is the 2nd time in my life that I’ve had norwalk on New Year’s Eve. The first time was on a cruise ship in the Caribbean, I made it past midnight and then fainted in the bathroom of my cabin and didn’t eat for 2 whole days. I think I lost like, 10 pounds. Not cool.

Same kind of thing happened this year, too. Not only to me, but to 13 other people at a party I was at and other people across the country that I’m friends with.  I shall be washing my hands with vigor for the next 3 months, most definitely.

Right now, there is a ton of snow coming down…its light and glittery. I hope that means shoveling will be easy tomorrow since we might get up to 16 inches of it.

Already read and finished my first book of 2014: “Apologies to My Censor” which I thought was going to be a travel type book, but was more memoir with travel in it. Not bad. A book on Charles Sumner is waiting to be finished and one on Benjamin Church and another on the French and Indian War are waiting to be started. I’m such a geek.


Here is the last official photo of 2013. I say last official because I took some pathetic self portraits while sick and those aren’t going anywhere
