Tag Archives: 2008 election

Dear New England

Dear New England,

Can I just say how lovely it is to come home from work and an annoying class to view this image:


I know I shouldn’t be so giddy about it, but I thought that Maine and New Hampshire might sway the other way. I love us. Hopefully, we’ll see a lot more blue before the night is over.


Politics in music

I was raised on a healthy diet of Car Talk, Sesame Street, and folk music as a child and its nice to see that some of my (and my Dad’s) favorite performers are writing songs about what is going on right now. Tom Paxton has a great page here of free downloads including an update to LBJ Told the Nation. Christine Lavin has had a few really good songs, including “We Are the True Americans” and “Dear Dan”, both of which I love.

Should be interesting to see what new political songs we come up with after tomorrow. Almost every person I talked to at work today had either voted or was going home tonight and will vote tomorrow. I met a lovely couple from Montana who told me how their local political landscape is changing to more purple/blue than red and two ladies from Philly who were looking forward to being in NH for the election tomorrow. It is going to be an interesting day.

Ass-hattery at its finest

You know, John…I liked you at one point. I am a Massachusetts born, sometimes catching on fire, liberal. My parents are liberal…my grandparents are liberal (they proudly paid their taxes to support the local schools even though they have no children in the system anymore and never sent their children to a public school. Its just what you do.)

But, AIR QUOTATIONS about my health? You, sir, are an ass hat at best. What if your daughters needed to have an abortion because delivering would kill them? What would you do then? Would you, like your running mate, “counsel life”? Because if you do, I feel like moving to Canada. They have cute accents, funny money, and good chocolate. You, have no freakin clue.