Category Archives: sewing

Finishing All the Things


One of the best things about my job is that I get to see people’s reactions as they finally “get” history. Being able to explain things simple can be very difficult, especially when someone isn’t familiar with American history. When they understand events and connect them to today’s events? That is the best. (So are the high fives from kids, those are great).

One of the worst things about my job is that I work for the government so I am technically out of work right now. A week ago yesterday, we put up closed signs, set up our “out of office” messages, and said goodbye to each other until the New Year. We have been through this 3 times this year, 5 times since I’ve started working for the government. Last time it went passed a day, I was angry and frustrated…this time, I’ve tried to stay busy.

So far, I’ve finished four different projects that have been languishing around my house (some for over a year).  I have at least two quilts to put together and maybe one to dismantle and put back together in a different way. Since there is no end in sight, it might all get taken care of.



So, try as I might…I cannot read a pattern to save my life. I generally end up tap dancing my way through the pattern pieces because they aren’t as explicit as I would like them.  The photos/drawings usually suck, too.  I have most of the Regency dress finished. HOWEVER, that does not mean that I did it correctly! haha.

ImageSo this is supposed to be my bodice. I cut it about two sizes too big, because the pattern said to do so! haha…so I had to get my mom to help me and show me how to put in darts.  The darts are now up at the shoulders so they aren’t too obvious. There is also supposed to be a cord going through the bodice where it meets the skirt, but I totally didn’t understand that. Oh well.


So, I had planned on getting this blog back up and running with my entries in the Historical Sew Fortnightly. And then I got sick. I couldn’t even make chocolate chip cookies properly last night and my typing right now is horrific!

However, I have planned out a few things that I will be doing for all the different challenges:

  1. Bi/Tri/Quadri...: I will be remaking the dress I did this summer so that it actually comes out properly for the War of 1812. Will have to change it a smidge to fit 1813, but not much.
  2. UFO: I actually do not have a UFO, so I think I might try to make a little something like an 18th century pocket.
  3. Under it all: Already finished my stays, so I think bloomers are next! Or a chemise.
  4. Embellish: I will embroider my pocket that I made in challenge 2!
  5. Peasants & Pioneers: Maybe the beginnings of my Abolition dress?
  6. Stripes: No idea yet…stripes are hard!
  7. Accessorize: maybe bags for my outfits to hide my camera in? Hmm…